Erin’s 7th Angelversary

Tomorrow, August 14, 2021, will be the 7th anniversary for us #missingerin. I like to call it her Angelversary.

Her friends have all grown up now, and most are entering their senior year of high school. I still think all of her friends and remember little things that were dear to her about each of you. I am ashamed that I have forgotten many of your names, but that is what the stress of grief does to a person. I hope that you will remember Erin at times, even if that memory has faded. She loved her friends and really loved most everyone she met.

Erin’s dad and I moved 3 years ago and we finally gave away most of her toys, and many of her stuffed animals. We had to dismantle her purple room and her hanging butterflies and so much more. It pained me greatly to do that, but it was necessary. For us, we are still stuck in the 4th grade at 10 years old but the reality is that time marches on.

I may not reach out or actively keep Erin’s memory alive, but it’s just because it still hurts so terribly bad. But please remember her and say her name. That makes me smile.

I hope that tomorrow, and always, you will honor Erin’s life by being kind to every living thing. And even to the rocks and the trees and the bugs, because she was and she looked upon everything with love. Please remember her kindness and compassion and use that to fuel your own actions and reactions.

Much love,

Erin’s Mommy